WCO offers free e-learning course on a single window environment

WCO offers free e-learning course on a single window environment


The World Customs Organization (WCO) is inviting customs officers to avail themselves of the free online course on a “single window environment” developed by its secretariat.

The e-learning modules are based on the recently reviewed version of the WCO single window compendium, “Building a Single Window Environment.”

They are structured in such a way as to enable potential learners to build a comprehensive knowledge of the multifaceted aspects of an automated processing environment for the clearance and release of goods by applying sophisticated solutions such as advance cargo information, integrated processing of customs declarations, and supporting e-documents.

“Successful completion of the e-learning modules will enable the distance learner to explain the concept of a Single Window environment, recognize the advantages of Single Window implementation, prepare a business case for Single Window implementation, and identify the components of the Single Window architecture,” said WCO.

Additionally, an e-certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the course that has a duration of about eight hours.

The modules have been developed in two groups, following the compendium structure.

The first group is designed to help policy-level decision makers to understand the single window environment and its implications for cross-border activities. The second group focuses more on the technical aspects of a single window system, which will enhance the knowledge of single window implementers.

Specifically, the e-learning modules will provide guidance and best practice from WCO members on issues such as single window e-services; back-end solutions involving inter-agency cooperation and co-orchestration of regulatory business processes; risk management in a single window environment; data security policies; aspects concerning the business models of the single window operator; performance management for a single window system; and public-private partnership implications for cross-border regulatory agencies and the trade community.

Photo courtesy of WCO


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