WCO launches site for ecommerce-related info

WCO launches site for ecommerce-related info


The World Customs Organization (WCO) has launched an E-Commerce web-corner on its website, aimed to act as a single reference point for e-commerce related information including the ongoing work of the WCO’s multi-stakeholder Working Group on E-Commerce (WGEC).

The WGEC is currently focused on the four identified work packages, namely Trade Facilitation and Simplification of Procedures, Safety and Security, Revenue Collection, and Measurement and Analysis with a view to develop recommendations/guidelines/framework on cross-border e-commerce as well as enhancement/updating related WCO instruments and tools.

Based on a survey among its Members, the WCO recently published a ‘Study Report on E-Commerce’ which analyzes Customs administrations’ practices as well as their initiatives related to the processing of cross-border low-value E-Commerce to address some of the challenges stemming from growing low-value and small shipments.

As part of its continued work, the WCO is going to publish a series of articles on different facets of E-Commerce. The first in this series is an interesting article written by the WCO Director of Compliance and Facilitation that brings out some of the underlying issues both from a Customs perspective as well as a consumer perspective.

Furthermore, at the upcoming sessions of the WCO Permanent Technical Committee (PTC) to be held from 3 to 7 April 2017, a special session on E-Commerce (E-Commerce Day) will further explore this topic through four thematic workshops on 5 April 2017.

For more information on the WCO E-Commerce Programme, please contact Facilitation[@]wcoomd.org. – WCO

Image courtesy of jk1991 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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