Vietnam Customs lists expired regulations

Vietnam Customs lists expired regulations


The General Department of Vietnam Customs issued on January 3, 2017 a decision listing the customs regulations that have expired.

Decision No. 01/QD-TCHQ takes effect from the date of signing, according to a report by Vietnam Customs News.

In the field of import and export duty, three regulations lost their validity, including the regulation on determining customs value in advance for imported and exported goods, which was issued October 31, 2013.

Another is the rule governing customs declaration of dutiable value for imports, issued December 22, 2003, and the third invalidated regulation focuses on the collection and management of dutiable value, issued December 31, 2003.

In the area of customs surveillance and management, there are 12 expired regulations. These include those on customs surveillance procedures for collecting postal items outside Vietnam to be classified and forwarded abroad, issued on September 9, 2014; customs procedures for imported and exported goods not for commercial purposes, issued on December 28, 2012; and customs procedures for inspection of imported and exported goods by using a container scanning system, issued on December 28, 2012.

Also expired are policies regulating the following: customs procedures for the professional management and supervision of imported and exported goods, goods in transit, and goods transferred from one border gate to another; management and supervision of goods processed for foreign traders, issued on October 25, 2011; customs procedures for inspection of imported and exported goods through air express routes, issued on April 13, 2011; and customs procedures for means of transport on exit, entry, or transit through road borders and inspection procedures for imported and exported goods at checkpoints, issued on October 3, 2010.

Others include expired laws on customs procedures for managing imported raw materials and supplies for  producing exported goods and on customs procedures for managing imported and exported goods on site, issued on May 25, 2006.

On customs inspections, there are two expired regulations. One is about the management and operation of software programs, search and analysis of statistical information, and classification of imported and exported goods. The other is on coordination between the departments of customs on classification of imported and exported goods.

In the field of personnel and organization, seven regulations expired, while on information technology and customs statistics, 13 expired regulations, and concerning risk management, one policy lost effectivity.

Photo: Lưu Ly


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