Updated World Tariff Profiles released

Updated World Tariff Profiles released

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The World Tariff Profiles 2017—the latest edition of the annual report on tariff-based market access conditions for goods imposed by World Trade Organization (WTO) members and other countries—has been released.

This statistical yearbook contains a comprehensive compilation of the main tariff parameters for each of the 164 WTO members plus other countries and customs territories where data is available.

Each tariff profile presents information on tariffs imposed by each economy on its imports, complemented with an analysis of the market access conditions it faces in its major export markets.

Statistics for all countries and territories are given in standardized tables, which allows for easy comparisons between countries/territories, between sectors and, specifically for WTO members, between bound and applied tariffs as well.

The calculations are based on national tariff schedules and imports in conformity with a standard Harmonized System (HS) nomenclature version.

“To the extent possible, ad valorem equivalents (AVEs) of non ad valorem tariffs are estimated and are included in the estimation of tariff indicators. Nonetheless, certain caveats apply in the interpretation of these indicators and the reader is advised to read the methodological notes that precede the statistical tables,” said a joint statement from the WTO, International Trade Centre (ITC), and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which jointly published the report.

The publication is presented in five main parts.

The first part shows summary tariff statistics for all countries and territories for all products, as well as a breakdown into agricultural and non-agricultural products.

The second part shows for each of these countries and territories one full page with disaggregation by sectors and duty ranges. It also contains a section on the market access conditions faced in their respective major export markets.

A new third part has been added to this edition to cover information on non-tariff measures which are of increasing importance in international trade.

The fourth part contains the special topic which presents a new subject in each edition. This year’s focus is on export diversification, the chapter analyzing to what extent economies have diversified their exports over time.

The annexes are in part five and include the data sources and the compilation of “Frequently Asked Questions.”

ITC’s Market Access Map database is one of the main sources of the applied tariff data in the report.


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