Thailand joining live operation of ASEAN Single Window

Thailand joining live operation of ASEAN Single Window


A fifth member state of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will be joining next month the transit to the live operation of the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) for the electronic exchange of Form D under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (ATIGA).

Singapore Customs in a new update said Thailand is the latest member to signify its participation in the live operation of the ASW for the electronic exchange of Form D under ATIGA, which is scheduled to commence in January.

“With effect from 1 Jan 2018, Thailand will join Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Viet Nam to commence live operation of the ASW for the electronic exchange of Form D under the ATIGA,” said Singapore Customs in a notice released December 20.

In early November, Singapore Customs had said that “Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Viet Nam (hereinafter referred to as ‘exchange-ready AMSs’) will transit into the live operation of the ASW for the electronic exchange of Form D under the ATIGA on 1 Jan 2018.”

Form D is the preferential Certificate of Origin (CO) issued under ATIGA.

Under the live operation of the ASW for the exchange of Form D under the ATIGA, a Form D electronically transmitted among these five ASEAN member states for an import will continue to enjoy preferential tariff treatment, according to Chua Yock Chin, head of Tariffs and Trade Services of Singapore Customs.

The ASW is an environment that connects and integrates the National Single Windows of ASEAN member states, thereby allowing the electronic exchange of data among exchange-ready AMSs.

Photo: Ian L


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