Benin accedes to Revised Kyoto Convention

Benin accedes to Revised Kyoto Convention


World Customs Organization Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya received the Instrument of accession of Benin to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (Revised Kyoto Convention or RKC) on January 5, 2017.

Having entered into force on February 3, 2006, the Revised Kyoto Convention is a WCO legal instrument acceded by several countries as the way to further promote legitimate trade and effective controls. It is regarded by the entire international Customs Community as a blueprint for modern Customs in 21st Century, which complements countries’ efforts towards the ratification and the implementation of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA).

Amongst others, the Convention’s key elements include the application of simplified Customs procedures in a predictable and transparent environment, the optimal use of information technology, the utilization of risk management for efficient Customs control, a strong partnership with the trade and other stakeholders, and a readily accessible system of appeals.

The WCO Secretary General welcomed the accession of Benin to the RKC since this demonstrates the country’s commitment to implementing modern and effective Customs procedures adapted to the international trade environment and their efforts towards trade facilitation. The Secretary General strongly encourages other WCO Members to accede to the Convention as soon as possible.

The Convention now has 106 Contracting Parties, and it will enter into force for Benin on April 5, 2017.

Image courtesy of zdiviv at


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