Zhengzhou Airport customs shaves inspection time for express mails

Zhengzhou Airport customs shaves inspection time for express mails


A new mode of inspecting outbound mails has been introduced at Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, successfully cutting down significantly inspection time at the principal airport of Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, China.

According to China’s General Administration of Customs, the new method of inspecting outbound mails was implemented March 1, when the Zhengzhou Customs, Zhengzhou Airport Freight Checking Agency, and Civil Aviation Service Center jointly finished going through 952.5 kilograms of outbound express mails in 1,956 consignments.

The process took only 20 minutes to finish by employing “one machine with double screen,” China Customs said in a report.

Before the system was switched on, Zhengzhou Customs and Zhengzhou Airport Freight Checking Agency conducted several seminars for international express enterprises on the proposed inspection upgrade to ensure a smooth transition.

From the old five-step approach—spot order receiving, customs machine checking, goods packing, security, and release—the new one now takes only three steps—order receiving, machine checking, and release—thanks to the use of the double-screen machine.

This, said China Customs, effectively reduces the previous two-hour inspection work down to just 20 minutes, improving clearance efficiency by five times and bringing down logistic costs by a large margin.

Photo: Baycrest


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