Workshop conducted on WCO Security Programme

Workshop conducted on WCO Security Programme


The Asia-Pacific World Customs Organization (WCO) Security Programme Regional Strategic Workshop was held in Jakarta, Indonesia on April 25-27, 2017.

Similar to events delivered in the other WCO regions over the last twelve months, the workshop raised awareness of the security mandate of Customs administrations as well as WCO Security Programme activities. The event was funded by CCF/Japan and was organized by the Regional Office for Capacity Building- Asia Pacific in conjunction with Indonesian Customs.  It included presentations by the WCO Security Programme and Member Administrations in the region regarding Customs security-related activities.

The workshop introduced Member Administrations to the Programme Global Shield, Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Programme, the SALW Project and the Security Project Fund for South East Asia. The workshop also included a study visit to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport where participants were shown the API-PNR passenger targeting centre along with the freight clearance and passenger clearances processes.

Attended by 34 participants from 25 countries, this workshop provided Member Administrations information on how to access WCO tools and instruments to assist them with implementing the Punta Cana Resolution and their security-related obligations. It was also an opportunity for the WCO Security Programme to gain a better understanding of the security related needs of its Members in the Asia Pacific Region. – WCO


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