WCO releases updated AEO compendium

WCO releases updated AEO compendium

  • 2020 edition of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Compendium is out
  • It offers overview of existing AEO programs and mutual recognition arrangements/agreements (MRAs) signed
  • Since the publication of the 2019 edition, AEO programs implemented now stand at 97, bilateral MRAs signed 87, and MRAs under negotiation 78
  • AEO compendium is a useful reference resource for customs administrations and other key stakeholders looking for up-to-date AEO and MRA information

The World Customs Organization (WCO) has published the 2020 edition of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Compendium, a reference resource for customs administrations and other key stakeholders, such as the business community, looking for up-to-date information on existing AEO programs.

The compendium offers a concise and structured overview of existing AEO programs around the world and of mutual recognition arrangements/agreements (MRAs) signed between customs administrations.

An AEO is defined as a party involved in the international movement of goods that has been approved by a national customs administration as complying with WCO or equivalent supply chain security standards. AEOs include manufacturers, importers, exporters, brokers, carriers, consolidators, intermediaries, ports, airports, terminal operators, integrated operators, warehouses and distributors.

The AEO concept is one of the main building blocks within the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards (SAFE), The SAFE Framework is an instrument that provides baseline international standards to address threats to the supply chain security while equally supporting facilitation of legitimate and secure businesses.

The compendium provides a brief summary of each AEO program, comprising information on accreditation criteria, procedures and expected benefits, as well as associated MRAs. AEO programs and MRAs that are in the pipeline are also listed.

Overall, it has four parts dealing with AEO programs based on the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards (Part I), customs compliance programs implemented and under development by customs administrations (Part II), MRAs of AEO programs (Part III), and an appendix containing a summary of information on the various parts covered in the body of the Compendium (Part IV).

Based on the information provided by members for 2020, the updated edition of the AEO Compendium identifies, among others, the following:

  • 97 operational AEO programs and 20 AEO programs under development
  • 33 operational customs compliance programs and 4 customs compliance programs due to be launched
  • 87 bilateral and four plurilateral/regional MRAs concluded and 78 MRAs under negotiation

Since the publication of the 2019 edition, an additional 14 AEO programs have been implemented, bringing the total to 97 programs. The number of bilateral MRAs signed has also increased by 13, bringing the total to 87 as compared to 74 in 2019. Further, MRAs under negotiation now stand at 78 as compared to 65 in 2019.

Over the years, the AEO compendium has become a reference resource for customs administrations and other key stakeholders, such as the business community, academia, and international organizations looking for up-to-date information on existing AEO programs and MRAs, and related trends and innovations.

Going forward, the WCO is exploring ways of updating the compendium using online tools and platforms.

The AEO Compendium 2020 Edition may be accessed here.

Photo by Timelab Pro on Unsplash


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