Indonesia to launch three special economic zones in 2019

Indonesia to launch three special economic zones in 2019


The Indonesian government plans to launch three special economic zones in 2019, reported Antara News.

The three are Sungai Liat and Tanjung Gunung in Bangka Belitung, and Singosari in East Java.

The government expects the special economic zones to be inaugurated as early as January or February, as preparations for their opening are almost complete.

The government is currently coordinating with the energy and mineral resources ministry, state-owned tin mining enterprise PT Timah, and the regional government on the operations of an existing tin mine in Bangka Belitung.

However, it said that this is just a process, and that it does not foresee any problems.

Since 2014, the government has been eyeing the development of 10 special economic zones to unleash the economic potentials of the areas around them.

The 10 are Sei Mangke, Tanjung Api-Api, Tanjung Kelayang, Tanjung Lesung, Mandalika, Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan, Palu, Morotai, Sorong, and Arun Lhokseumawe.

Work on some of them has not yet formally started, as there are still issues concerning land status.

Photo: Widhibrata


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