New OECD data warns of increasing restrictions to services trade

New OECD data warns of increasing restrictions to services trade


The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released its latest update to the Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI), which includes 2017 data on policy and regulatory trade barriers across 22 services sectors in 44 countries.

The latest analysis shows that although there is evidence of some liberalization of services markets, the overall 2017 STRI indices are more restrictive than in 2016, highlighting an overall tightening of the global regulatory environment for services trade.

The release is accompanied by STRI Policy Trends up to 2018, a short report that provides an overview of key policy developments affecting trade in services from the STRI’s launch in 2014 up to today.

Notes on each of the countries and sectors covered are available on the STRI website, alongside an online tool that allows one to simulate the impact of services trade policies and its interactive Compare Your Country website where you explore how your country compares with others.

Read STRI Policy Trends up to 2018
Access the latest updates to our services trade restrictions work

Image courtesy of khunaspix at


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